1. Academia:
Why choose academic path:
- to change your specialization (MS in Life Sciences or Economy, and PhD in Computer Science)
- want to do research and I know what exactly the research I want to do
- have ambitions to have a Dr. nickname
- become a lifelong professor instead of retirement to annoy students
How to choose the lab:
Choose strong labs. Don’t chose no-name labs to just get in PhD.
When you find a lab - find 2-3 representatives and try to write them personally.
How to chose the professor:
- talk to him like you are already in the lab
- ask for contacts of current 2-3 year PhD and !defended! person.
! Don’t sign in w/o this calls
- agree on having summer internships each summer.
! Don’t sign in w/o this approval
- Choose wisely you committee and change your Prof the first time you see red flag
2. Industry:
Why choose industry:
- To get real productions experience, and not an endless research
- To influence real world problems
- To work with highly skilled people
- Earn money
How to choose the position:
- early startups
- small companies
- big tech
Criteria for choosing the industry role (RU)